Key Pointers Plus,
45 Part "Starting Over" Series

Harlan Jacobsen Copyright © 2003

Here are just a few samples of our articles that will help you get started thinking and moving in the right direction...

Being Single Can Kill You
Three Ways to Get On With Single Life 
Get Going
Share Your Problems With a Friend
Who Are Your Friends?
Make It Easy To Meet
Which Way To Go
You're The Star In Your New Play
Divorce Ceremony
  Expectations Exceed Performance
 Hanging Out With Single Friends

"Starting Over" Again

A series of articles on Divorce Recovery

soa #1 Divorce: an end, but also a beginning
soa #2 Have a funeral for your marriage
soa #3 Whatever happened to your marriage?
soa #4 deal now with adjusting to single life
soa #5 Becoming single can be hazardous
soa #6 How much stress are you under?
soa #7 Time to get a grip on your thinking
soa #8 How to prepare your life for change
soa #9 Change life for the better in 2 weeks!
soa #10 the human spirit is indomitable
soa #11 You need a "security blanket" friend
soa #12 Are the records in your head ruining your day?
soa #13 readjust your computer
soa #14 It's your play, don't keep repeating Act 1!
soa #15 Stop Postponing your happiness
soa #16 Your past is gone - let it go
soa #17 don't water the weeds of your past
soa #18 how happy can you decide to be?
soa #19 learn the secret formula for being happy
soa #20 Taking control of your happiness
soa #21 Divide your problems into 2 piles...
soa #22 Everyone wants to know...
soa #23 loss of friends the greatest disappointment
soa #24 a vacuum in the friends department
soa #25 warm fuzzy story
soa #26 friends now - dating later
soa #27 keep the conversation going
soa #28 how to get positive things happening
soa #29 who's running your life?
soa #30 To date or not to date
soa #31 now that I'm unhooked...
soa #32 Breaking up is always painful
soa #33 Who's in control of your life?
soa #34 Decide what you want in life
soa #35 program your computer every day
soa #36 You'll grow quickly
soa #37 Who's in control of your life?
soa #38 getting your inner act in order
soa #39 Exceeding your capacity to handle
soa #40 Resentments; the big hold up
soa #41 Overcoming the fears of divorce
soa #42 There's no good way to divorce
soa #43 There's no right way to split
soa #44 intertwined no more
soa #45 wrap up

We recommend you read and reread one part of the "Starting Over" series per day, until you have completed the series..  Then we suggest you start over, read thru as fast as you want and by this time you will be moved along in your divorce to where you will be able to absorb much more from reading, you will be in a different place and pick up on a lot that you missed first time through.

Keep an eye on the "new articles added" section middle column, front page, and sign up for the free divorce recovery newsletter.



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