How Your Divorced Life Can Get Better Every Day
Harlan Jacobsen Copyright © 2003

Divorce Recovery 101 Discover Here How You Can Get From The Extreme Pain and Miserables Back To Normal In A Short Time

For Just A Little Organized Effort You Can Learn and PRACTICE What Works. Get the Best Results Without Stress. Plus you Become So Good At It You Can Help Other Newly Singled Zip Right Thru This Misery Stage

Regain Control Of Your Life

Harlan Jacobsen's training at Live classes and online sessions have moved thousands of suddenly singled into a new and far happier life.

Dear Internet Single Friend,

If you are tired of the miserables and ready to learn what information is needed to move to your new life success online, this will be the most important website you've ever lucked onto.

Here's why:

You're about to learn exactly how to move out of the miserables and to move into your "second chance" for a new life, to where you always wanted to be.

You'll be given complete step-by-step instructions at this web site, showing you exactly what to do from start to finish, so that you can develop in a short time a whole new outlook and a genuine chance for a great new life.

Harlan, I was headed down all the wrong paths as far as getting too involved with someone too soon, feeling sorry for myself, etc. I finally started getting my head together, but when I ran across your website, it was like a God-send. It helped give me that extra bit of strength & advise I needed to help me get over some major hurdles I had to becoming "happily single". I've begun to meet new single friends & am enjoying life to the fullest. I still have a way to go, but single life is wonderful. Thank you again! Julie

"Building YOUR new life as an independent single person" is a complete Step-by-step guide at this web site to making a great new life materialize form the ashes of "what was" in a short time.

EVERY newly suddenly singled person well knows that moving from a long term relationship, (cold turkey) no matter how good or how bad that relationship was, still was one of the most traumatic, painful and stressful events of a life time


Looking For A magic pill?

Feel lost in an unknown wilderness?

Do you feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster?

Seem like this pain will go on forever?

Still trying to figure out why the bottom fell out?

"Over 10,000 single people have attended Harlan's live classes and seminars in Phoenix-Scottsdale AZ.

Click Here For a Photo of one of his early classes

Get answers here, get support here, find local support groups thru this site, find the road map here for the next steps on your road to the best time of your life, develop an excitement and enthusiasm about your new life ahead as you take complete control of your life for the first time. Your ex may have taken your happiness with them, here you learn you can take it back any time you want. - When you are constantly meeting and adding new friends to your new singles family, all of people strictly of your choice, you can hardly wait to find out what exciting things will happen in your new single life today.

No need to feel "lonely" and lost ever again - No time to ever be lonely again when you have and maintain more single friends then you can keep up with, means loneliness is gone forever.

Imagine this: You wake up in the morning with enthusiasm knowing you have gained complete control of your own life for the first time. What happens today is completely under your control. You grow up fast event though it is scary not having a baby sitter. You find your email in-box filled with messages from single friends all supporting you in your new life... Your phone rings off the wall and you have plans to get together with new friends who you know will introduce you to even more new single friends, people who will expand and grow your new life even further.

Here's what really happens: You learn to let go of what was, YOUR mind is now on whats ahead, a great future, no longer rehashing "what was" or what "might have been". You long since have switched all thinking to planning and working on an all new much brighter "future". Instead of being a threat, you will enjoy the many new experiences in your new life, and you will learn it is okay to just go out and "practice" being a successful single person. and to practice doing what a successful single person does.

  • You will constantly meet new people and add to your singles support family of friends and will consider it great fun, not stressful at all. These friends will expand your life and you will grow more as a person in 6 months then you did in 20 years of marriage.
  • New friends will change and advance your thinking processes.
  • These friends will also be a support system to help advance your career.
  • Every day in every way everything will get better and better.

Your friends will expand automatically once you get on your "new single success program". It will do this for you again and again without any stressful involvement nor great amounts of time required from you.

Can you imagine having your new life working like that? Well,now you don't have to dream about it, because you're just days away from learning how to build a new life as an independent single person and a support system singles family.

Why should you listen to me?

In short, because I have lived it as a single person, I have researched and studied it for well over 30 years, I have tested it with singles in my classes. I have taught it and written about it, sharing what I learned for 30 years in my publications and now my several web sites. I know what I'm talking about.

  • Click Here for a photo of some of the AZ newly singled peoplewho attended my well over 3,000 classes, seminars and singles events that I conducted.
  • I learned something "that worked" from every one of these classes etc andfrom these thousands of single people, many of whom became close friends who were living it.
  • Nope. I do not have a degree in anything. I am just a single guy who has made a lifetime study of "what works".
  • Currently, I still publish 2 newspapers for singles, and now publish over 280 web sites, 6 of which are for singles.
  • Best of all, We do it all For you for Free We do not try nor are we motivated to sell you anything here, though you should know we still publish two singles newspapers. and that most of the material you read here on the web was originally researched, written for, and first appeared in our "Singles" newspapers over a period of 30 years.. You can still subscribe if you like, and pay for a hardcopy newspaper by mail subscription version. These two single newspapers content also both available free on our web site versions.

Click HERE for our thirty year old Arizona Singles newspapers web site!

Click HERE for our midwest singles newspaper "Country Singles" web site.

I accomplished putting all of this information together because I originally had a hard time adjusting to becoming "unmarried".

I'm not bragging. I just want you to know that what I found out worked and you too can now learn what I learned. You will discover Exactly what to do to quickly move from the pain and confusion of your divorce adjustment, and to build YOUR successful happy new single life.

  • Imagine getting
    out of bed enthused about the new day and its possibilities to move to a great new life - no longer depressed or miserable and in severe pain because of your divorce.

  • Imagine planning
    your life based on what you want to do - not what your ex or anyone else wants you to do.

  • Imagine having
    total freedom to develop a new life and a new "singles family" of people solely of your choice.

Well, that's exactly what recovering from your divorce, moving on, and getting on with "Building YOUR new life can do for you".

Thousands of other newly singled have done it, so think about this: If they can do it, so can you!

READ Here what singles say about "help in moving on" they have obtained here.  Go here, for testimonials on how their divorce and single life has changed for the better. We are waiting to hear from you too.

What, exactly, will you learn on this site?

How to get from what may be the worse time of your life to the best time of your life in six months or less..
You will learn how to let go of your long term marriage, process the loss and recover from your painful withdrawal from a severe relationship addiction. Move out of the pain stage in less then a month.

How to find and keep single friends. - Exactly how to let go of your marriage, how to go about developing a new "singles family and a whole network of single friends". You'll learn how to maintain these friends and get this process to grow and work for you. You'll even be given information of where to go and information so you know what to do and say.

You'll get step-by-step instructions for moving your life from what does not work to what works. This includes instructions via email courses, of which two are now available and we are adding more soon..

  • Two FREE EMAIL 8 DAY COURSES you can sign up for online
  • Study posted articles and archives.
  • Watch for hundreds of articles we are posting to the web.
  • Follow-up discussion of problems and questions on
    Singles Talk Shop and divorce recovery Questions and ANSWERS section.

How to make the process simple and most of all "FUN".  Again, after learning to let go of "what was" you'll learn how to make the process of moving to a new life just "flow" as an ongoing thing.

How to move on from divorce, and start over with a new life plan that works. Make no small plans. The key to serious major life changes is learning how to find friends headed for the same place you are, and mutually aid each other in getting there.. You'll learn all your different options for getting this going. You'll also learn traps to avoid.

  • Getting your new friends promoting and encouraging the "new you".
  • Dropping your "draining" negative friends and constantly upgrade and add to your new singles family.

We will tell you what the best tools and resources are to use in advancing your new life. - Yes, I have spent countless hours researching, testing, and experimenting to find the best of everything you need that "works".. You'll get all my personal tools and recommendations for working thru your divorce and getting on with a great new life..

So much more . . . - It's difficult for me to include everything here, but that's the gist of what we are working on here.

How to get from what may be the worse time of your life to the best time of your life. We are constantly adding helpful material up on Divorce Recovery 101 on this site.
We have 280 other web sites to maintain, 4 newspapers, and 5 other businesses to manage and keep in the black, so if this takes more time to get the hundreds of pages of information moved to the web, here, bear with us..... we are adding and working on it every minute we can.

Your friend and teacher,
Harlan Jacobsen

Related Information: What you can expect to get at this site

Read And Study This Material
For list of ready reading material,
go here


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Discover How You Can Get From The Extreme Divorce Pain Back To Normal In A Short Time
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Divorce Recovery Support Group With Divorce Help, Advice, Tips, Divorce Law, Statistics And Information


  Speed Up Divorce Recovery,
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  What Was Behind The Divorce,
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  Going New Places
After Divorce, click here


7 Strategies As A Divorced Person,
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Divorce Ceremony,
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Single Life Coach 
is our site for those 
worked thru their 
divorce and are 
working on a great 
new life as a 
single person, 
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Dating Again 101

Dating Again 101 
is our new site for 
help in getting back 
into the dating 
world successfully,
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Singles Talk Shop

Singles Talk shop, chat about single life adjustment at this site...
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Country Singles

Country Singles
is our midwest Newspapers 
online site with midwest singles clubs calendars, personals, archives of articles etc.
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Our Free 
Country Singles 
newsletter edited 
by Janet Jacobsen 
Sign up today!

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AZ Single Scene

AZ Single Scene 
is our Arizona newspapers 
online site. With AZ 
singles clubs calendars 
of events, AZ personals, Articles selected by Janet Jacobsen, archives of articles etc.
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Our Arizona Singles newsletter with Janet's tips on being single in Arizona
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18 Wheels Singles

18 Wheel Singles 
is our web site for 
those in the trucking 
industry and interested in meeting those in the industry 
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