Getting Back Into Dating Again,
© 2001 Harlan Jacobsen
EXTREMES: Dating Again is often
initially a matter of extremes. Using every available minute for
dating or out looking to meet potential prospects. The other extreme
is staying completely away from the opposite sex (they are never
going to hurt me again).
Those new to dating often
get heavily involved with some one right off and when that ends,
they are more emotionally devastated then they were by their
You likely have had no education
on the adult dating process and your experience likely does
not include dating as a mature adult, which is entirely different
than it was at your younger age. Even if you were completely
knowledgable about the mature dating process, let's be honest,
you are out of practice.
These will help you get back into a comfort zone and making this
a non stressful fun challenge.
First of all we
recommend not dating one person exclusively (to the exclusion
of dating all others) for at least 6 months. People (most)
you date will be glad to hear about this caveat because
many well adjusted singles will avoid dating newly singled because
they tend to "latch on to" whoever goes out with them.
Develop a schedule
of going out regularly and socializing where there are groups
of singles. Safe places where you develop and see new single
acquaintenances regularly. Volunteer to do some of the work
that is always necessary to keep these organizations going.
This gives you an excuse and opportunity to have a regular schedule
and meet and mix with lots of new people.
Ease into dating
by starting out with a simple 'agreeing to meet" for coffee
after a singles event, class etc. Suggest getting together for
lunch, another easy going short commitment of time. No big commitment
of class A dating time here and you will rarely get turned down
for these. Make a date to go feed the ducks down at the park
after work. Same easy going result. Our newletters suggest dozens
of these easy simple inexpensive ways to get acquainted and
just "be together" type of dating.
Force yourself
to continue to meet and date (spend time) with others, continue
to meet new people even though bells rang and you are sure you
have just met Mr or Ms Wonderful.
Always have
2 or 3 interesting single people on the back burner
that you have just not had the time to get to know. Just as
soon as one falls off the active front burners, you will have
some interesting ones to move up and get better acquainted with.
Do Not expect to fill all your
needs with one opposite sex person. Have a friend you go dancing
with or arrange to meet at different dances. Another you go
skiing with. One is just a person that comes over and fixes
things for you around the house. Have someone you just love to
go to foreign movies with. You no longer have to skip some of
these things in your life because you are fastened to someone
that does not do some of these things... You are a single person
expanding your world, not shrinking it.
Where do you go
to meet your type of single friends and dating material? Just
about anywhere, but some places are better then others and a
real singles gold mine.
What do you
say after you get there and or meet them? Like the dog that
chases cars a lot, you need to learn what you do should you
actually catch one.
We take all this up in our "New" Dating Again
website and our singles newsletters and newspapers. See also
our archives of articles.
Dating Again 101
Dating Again 101
Related Article: Whether you should date before divorce is final,
article by Judge Anne Kass, click here
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